
Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Hang Loose

So long Summer...hang loose!

It all started with my brother's the most beautiful bride, I might add! Now that summer is coming to a close, I take a look back and think "whoa", what a busy, fun-filled 3 months! Thought I'd share a little of what we've been up to this summer. So blessed to have fun memories with the kids and some really fun times with my sweet family! Actually, some of the best times have been right in our own backyard; all of us sitting by the fire pit roasting marshmallows & the boys having weekly campouts with their dad...I think those are memories they'll have forever!

here's me & my bro on his BIG day!

I got to have a special "mother-daughter tea" with my Ella
Ella had her dance recital
Jaden got to experience his first "skate camp", where he shredded
(at least that's what the instructor told me)
Then it was Maui.
Such an amazing trip I know the kids will never forget...

Jaden on the rope swing

the tide pools were so fun!

Lot's of fun times with our family...

Had many bonfire's in the backyard...
The kids with their cousin Kai in our tree


  1. I'm so glad that you posted all of these beautiful pics! I know that it was a wild and wonderful summer for you. Miss you tons!

  2. Yes, wild & wonderful FOR SURE! Can't wait to see you all soon!!!
